Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Moon & the Sky Remix

To be honest I'm not avid listener or follower, not because I do not think she is talented and makes quality music, but because she just happens not to be in the realm of music I normally surround myself with. Anyways, the Moon & Sky Remix with Jay-z is pretty dope. But to be honest once more, I probably would have never listened had I not seen Jay-z's name next to the title. The song is very representative of the way a relationship can go sometimes, had a good melody + hook even though it was a bit... feminine. But the thing that makes the song what it is to me is Jay-z's verse. From start to finish he kills it. He barely had any punch lines or whatever it is rapper's do nowadays that makes them great, but everything he said resignated well with the whole idea of the song. I was kind of disappointed she only let him have one verse, but it is what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just heard this song yesterday and did not really like the song till I got to Jay-Z's part. I am a big fan of Jay-Z and thought he really killed the song!